Hotel and Resort Photographer
The only thing we can be guided by when choosing a hotel for our vacation is a hotel photography. Of course, the recommendations of friends are also important, but let’s be honest you still want to find a hotel on the Internet and look at the photos. It is thanks to our human curiosity that hotel and resort photography has become a real engine of business.
3 tips for the best hotel and resort photography
1. Perfect purity. Of course, there is no need to remind managers of expensive hotels about cleanliness. Nevertheless, we are talking not only about dust and stains on glass, but also about menus, guidebooks, wires, announcements, some plates. Wherever the photo shooting takes place – in the room or the lobby, near the pool or in the restaurant, remove all unnecessary things. Before shooting the pool, you need to wipe the floor thoroughly, it must be dry, without puddles and splashes. It goes without saying that the shooting time should be chosen so that there are no visitors in the pool. By the way, this also applies to the yard. If you want to get spectacular photos of the exterior, you need to take care to remove parked cars from the frame. Nothing should distract the viewer’s attention from the main thing and it is the luxurious atmosphere of your hotel.
2. People in the frame. Of course, portraits should not be the basis for hotel and resort photography. But some original photos of people are worth adding. After all, your business is designed for guests, so why not show in the photo how you feel about them? But this technique must be used with caution. Don’t get too carried away trying to find the perfect models. Perfect beauty is often repulsive. Just remember how you feel about ideal families from television advertising? Nobody believes these pictures and stretched happy smiles. Sometimes a photo of a lonely man waiting in the luxurious interior of the lobby, or a lady eating breakfast in a restaurant looks not only more honest, but also more attractive. If your hotel can accommodate pets, this nuance can also be shown in the photo by catching a child playing with a dog in the yard.
3. Individuality. Before clicking the “book” button, your client is forced to look through dozens of offers and hundreds of photos. That is why just good photos are not enough, they will simply merge with the general mass. Our task is to make an impression, to be remembered and no one but you know better about the strengths of your hotel. Of course, a professional photographer will always be able to find some feature and make an exciting story out of it. But if you help him in this, telling about your strengths, it will play into everyone’s hands.
Also we want to remind you that we do our work quickly and professionally. All materials will be delivered in short time after shooting. Just call to contact us and discuss all the details.