Aerial Photo and Video Services
When a real estate agent creates an ad for the sale or rental of real estate, his first and most important task is to get the client to spend as much time as possible looking at it. You can try to do this with a primitive method – write a lot of text. But let's be honest, nobody is wasting time reading a long ad. We have too little free time and free attention.
The abundance of information on the Internet forces us to be selective. Everyone now wants to view only high-quality professional photos, videos in good resolution, bright and short texts. We have become gourmets in terms of information. If the site does not load for a long time, no one will wait and immediately open the next link. If we are not satisfied with the quality of the photo and video, we will immediately close the ad and move on to the next one.
As a result, the job of real estate agents has become much more difficult lately. On the one hand, it may seem that you now have a variety of tools at your disposal: websites, social networks, online message boards, mobile applications and instant messengers. Indeed, finding a client has become easier. But what definitely became more difficult is to attract his attention. Now it is not enough just to find a property, evaluate it profitably, find a client and organize a deal. Now one more job has been added to the duties of a real estate agent – creating quality content. Our professional photography and videography services will help you solve a sudden problem and create high-quality content for your communication channels with clients.
The role of photos and videos in the real estate market
Residents of Brisbane must have begun to notice that the number of buzzing drones over neighboring houses has increased significantly. This is not surprising. New tools have appeared at the disposal of real estate agents. There are aerial photography and videography. Drone footage helps real estate agents not only sell large plots of land, but also houses, villas, and yachts. This is a real godsend for hotel and resort managers.
If your ad is supposed to impress your client, then aerial photography by drone is the best way to generate positive emotions. Interest, delight and the full feeling that a real estate agent is a professional – these are the feelings we can evoke in your clients. These are the best way to facilitate the conclusion of the deal, right?
We will show the surroundings, the directions, and focus on a good location. From a bird's eye view, your property and the surrounding area will appear grandiose. Of course, no one can guarantee that the client will want to buy your property immediately after viewing photos and videos. There are too many factors affecting the ability to purchase. But we will definitely be able to attract attention and arouse interest, and then everything will depend on you.
Why is it better to contact us for the best drone photos?
We are not newbies who bought a drone yesterday and are just starting to build a portfolio. We have over 10 years of experience in the real estate market and cooperation with the largest agencies in Brisbane.
We work not only professionally, but also quickly. You can pick up materials for your work the very next day after shooting.
We offer one stop services. In one place, you can order not only drone photography services, but also property photos and videos from the ground, floor plans, virtual staging.
Contact us to discuss details and book a shooting date.