Real Estate Virtual Photography
We can no longer ignore the fact that social networks have changed our lives forever. The abundance of photos and images that surrounds us every day makes us selective. Requirements for the quality of photos are constantly growing, visuals need more and more. And if we still can do something with the photos that we post on social networks using multiple filters, then this trick will not work with real estate photos. A potential buyer, looking at an ad, wants to see not just a beautiful picture, he wants to see the most detailed and realistic image.
Think back to the real estate ads you’ve seen lately. As a rule, in the photographs, the property, the entrance to it and the courtyard are taken from the height of a human being and are not fully visible. The client still has room for imagination and this is not the best idea. By the way, uploading 10 photos of the same object only from different angles is not the best idea too. No one has time to look at the same house from different angles and try to guess how it really looks. So instead of taking 10 bad photos, it’s better to take one, but good.
How to make quality real estate photo?
There are actually many ways, but one of the most progressive is, of course, a drone. With it we can take stunning pictures, show the property from the advantageous side, giving your potential clients a clear idea of how everything really looks like. Modern equipment allows us to make drone virtual tour of real estate, which will explain to the client as quickly and clearly as possible:
- how the real estate actually looks;
- what is its area (most of us find it difficult to imagine 10 acres of patio is it a lot or a little, the drone will put everything in its place and show everything clearly);
- how far away neighbors live;
- which side is better to drive up to the house;
- where are the main transport interchanges;
- how developed is the infrastructure in this area, etc.
But let’s not forget that showing real estate from the outside is not enough. In addition, we need to show how everything looks inside. For this, except high-quality photography, we also have several progressive tools, and one of them is a virtual staging. With its help, you can virtually furnish a property anew and show how cozy it can be, even if it is now completely empty.
Contact us and we will show your property from the best side.